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This requirement comes directly from the courts and they often criticize employers who do not conduct pertinent and relatable training. Examples should be inspired by real situations but should not be so identifiable that an employee is shamed or embarrassed. Modified versions of events and things that almost happened are also great inspiration for examples.


An organization of white female attorneys realizes they need to diversify the staff. As a result, they search high and low for a male attorney to fit into their team’s culture and finally find someone. After that, in their excitement, they refer to them as “their boy.” Obviously he is a full grown adult and this is belittling.

Solution: Acknowledge it. Intentionally add another term to our vocabulary that expresses our intent to celebrate without demeaning any team member.


As an organization, one of our values is to be an interdisciplinary team. Additionally, we are in the professional services industry. To that end, all of our client-facing team members are highly educated; however, as a nation, minorities are less likely to have high education. Worse still, we are headquartered in a primarily White town. We need to racially diversify our team, but recruitment is incredibly difficult.

Solution: Critically analyze the education, licensing, and credentialing that is actually required versus stereotypically required. Intentionally advertise job postings in places where it will attract minority applicants, such as at minority chamber unions or with HBCUs.

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