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Writer's pictureNatalie Lynch

Why Is It Good To Have Specific Examples In The Harassment Training?

Do you think of harassment training as something that only applies to workplaces? Though it certainly has its place in the workplace, anyone can find themselves victim to or perpetrating harassment.

Unfortunately, most of us won’t learn how to prevent and intervene until we are taught - this is where high-quality harassment prevention training comes in!

Specific examples in such training are especially beneficial because they help participants understand why specific actions constitute offensive behavior. With this knowledge, individuals can use the tips and strategies covered more effectively and positively impact their communities.

Today, let's examine why specific examples are essential when learning about harassment prevention.


Harassment is an issue that affects people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds. It can take many forms, including verbal abuse, unwanted physical contact or sexual advances, insults, and humiliation. It can be based on race, gender identity, sexuality, age, and other characteristics. Harassment is a form of discrimination that violates human rights and negatively impacts the workplace, school, or other settings.

The impact of harassment can be significant, both for the individual who is harassed and for their environment. It can make a person feel isolated, unsafe, unmotivated, and unproductive. Harassment reduces morale and affects productivity, as it creates a hostile work environment that hinders communication and collaboration.

Harassment training is necessary to educate people about how to recognize and prevent harassment and how to respond in the event it occurs. However, a standard overview of harassment is often not enough regarding training. It's essential for employees, students, and other individuals to learn specific examples that they might encounter in the workplace, school, or other settings. This can include scenarios such as what might happen if someone hears a sexist joke in the office or how to respond if a colleague repeatedly makes unwanted advances.

Giving people specific examples of harassment helps make it real and tangible for them, so they can more effectively recognize and manage these situations. It also helps to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding what constitutes harassment and how those situations should be handled.

The more information people have about recognizing and responding to harassment, the better they will be prepared to deal with such issues when they arise. When you include specific examples in harassment training, individuals will be more aware of the risks. Thus, helping them to be better prepared to act accordingly. This can help lead to a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace or educational setting for everyone involved.

Harassment training is essential for creating a respectful atmosphere where everyone feels safe, comfortable, and valued. By providing specific examples of what constitutes harassment and how to recognize and respond to it, individuals can better identify and manage such situations when they arise. This helps create a more positive atmosphere for everyone in the workplace or educational setting.

Risk Factors That Constitute Sexual Harassment

Industries Dominated by Males

Sexual harassment is a pressing issue in male-dominated industries, such as engineering and finance. That's why companies must take action to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Not just because it’s the right thing to do and because it can lead to financial losses and reduced productivity. So to tackle this problem, employers must understand the risk factors contributing to creating an environment of sexual harassment.

One significant risk factor is the number of male employees in a given workplace. This scenario often leads to a culture where women are not taken seriously. Even more, they feel they are subject to prolonged bullying or inappropriate behavior that remains unchecked. Also, when working with a significant predominance of men, women may not have access to the same resources. There are also instances when women can't be afforded the same opportunities as their male counterparts.

Another risk factor is when there are not enough women in leadership roles. Having a gender-balanced workplace will help guarantee that everyone has an even playing field and feels supported and heard by colleagues of all genders. When there are women in positions of power, it helps create a working environment that is free of harassment. It also promotes respect when it comes to the rights of all employees.

Remote Workplaces

Working in remote places can also be an area of potential risk regarding sexual harassment. Employers must ensure they are aware of the potential risks and take steps to address them to protect their employees and create a safe working environment.

There are many benefits to providing information about sexual harassment risk factors in remote workplaces. This includes increased awareness among workers, improved communication, and the development of better policies and procedures.

The first benefit of providing information on sexual harassment risks in remote workplaces is increased awareness among workers. As with any workplace, preventing abuse requires all employees to know the potential risks and how to report them when it occurs. Providing a clear understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment can help ensure all employees feel empowered to report abuse and that the issue is taken seriously.

Another benefit of providing information about sexual harassment risk factors in remote workplaces is improved communication. By providing clear guidelines on what constitutes sexual harassment, employers can create an open dialogue between workers and management, helping to build trust and encouraging further communication in the workplace.

Finally, providing information on sexual harassment risks in remote workplaces can lead to the development of better policies and procedures. By being aware of the potential risks, employers can create stronger protocols that protect workers from abuse and ensure a safe working environment. This helps to improve safety and morale in the workplace, making it more productive overall.


Employees' disparities in power and authority can also create an environment ripe for sexual harassment. By providing the risk factors surrounding this behavior, companies can help their workers understand when conduct crosses the line from acceptable to unacceptable.

Educating employees about what constitutes sexual harassment is vital for preventing its occurrence in the workplace. Knowledge of potential risk factors can be a powerful tool for employers in creating safe and respectful work environments. A few risk factors to be aware of include: unequal power dynamics between coworkers, unequal access to resources or opportunities, hostile or intimidating behavior towards a subordinate based on their gender, and any sexual advances that are unwelcome or coercive.

Educating employees on the risk factors associated with sexual harassment can also help to empower them. When workers are aware of the potential signs, they feel more secure in their workplace and can report any issues they see without fear of repercussions. Knowing their employer is invested in providing a safe and respectful environment is critical for fostering trust and morale.

Disorganized Workplaces

Fractured employment structures can be challenging to manage, especially when maintaining a safe and respectful work environment. Sexual harassment is an issue that can quickly arise in such settings without proper guidance and oversight. That’s why employers need to provide their employees with clear guidelines on recognizing and addressing the risk factors that constitute sexual harassment.

By equipping employees with an understanding of the risks associated with sexual harassment, they can feel more empowered to recognize potential issues and take steps to protect themselves. Also, employers should document policies and procedures for how to identify and respond to reports of sexual harassment. Doing so helps ensure that all staff members know their rights and the potential consequences of violating them.

Besides providing clear policies, employers must also take proactive steps to reduce sexual harassment in Disorganized Workplaces or Fractured Employment Structures. For instance, employers should provide employees with regular training on identifying and reporting sexual harassment. This training should include examples of unacceptable behavior and what to do if such an event arises. Even more, employers should implement policies that ensure all staff members are held accountable for violating the company’s sexual harassment policy with proper and legal repercussions.

Even with clear policies in place, some employees may still be hesitant to report inappropriate behavior for fear of being labeled a “troublemaker” or worse. To combat this, employers should create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable coming forward with any concerns or issues. Employers should also provide targeted support for victims of sexual harassment, such as counseling services or legal assistance.

Retaliation, Indifference, Incompetence, and Broken Reporting Systems

The aforementioned scenarios are all risk factors contributing to sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers need to be aware of these risks and address them to create a safe and productive work environment for their employees.

Retaliation is an especially dangerous form of sexual harassment, as it can lead to feelings of fear and insecurity among employees. Thus, making them less likely to report incidents of harassment. Employers must always be aware of the possibility of retaliation and take steps to prevent it from occurring in the workplace. It includes ensuring that employees have access to an impartial reporting system and creating a safe haven for employees who feel they have been wronged or targeted.

Also, employees who feel that their concerns are ignored or brushed aside can become more vulnerable to harassing behavior. That's why companies must foster a culture of open communication and be willing to listen when concerns arise. Doing so can help create an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up about issues of discrimination or harassment.

Reasons for Specific Examples

People Learn Best Through Examples

When it comes to training in any context, examples are essential. In the case of harassment training specifically, providing specific examples is especially important for creating a safe workplace environment.

For instance, if an employee does not have a clear understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment or bullying behavior, then they may be confused as to when inappropriate behavior crosses the line. By providing specific examples, employees learn how to recognize harassment and take steps to prevent it from occurring in the workplace.

Providing examples also helps employees understand the finer nuances of harassment behavior. For example, a single comment might be considered a joke in one context but inappropriate in another. With concrete examples, employees can better understand when certain behaviors are not appropriate.

Specific Examples Help People Understand What Is and Aren’t Appropriate Behavior

When it comes to harassment training, examples are essential for truly getting the message across. People often don’t realize what is and isn’t appropriate behavior in the workplace until they have concrete examples of what those behaviors look like. Without concrete examples, people can easily misunderstand what constitutes sexual harassment or inappropriate workplace conduct.

Harassment training should provide specific examples to demonstrate the types of behaviors that are deemed inappropriate. These can include verbal comments, physical contact, emails, and text messages. By providing clear examples of unacceptable behavior, people can more easily recognize what qualifies as sexual harassment in the workplace. An excellent example of this is telling an employee not to make lewd comments about another employee. Without a concrete example, an employee may not realize that such a comment is entirely inappropriate and unacceptable.

Without providing examples, people can easily misunderstand what constitutes sexual harassment or inappropriate workplace conduct. Furthermore, having specific examples helps employees to more clearly identify inappropriate workplace behavior occurrences, allowing them to take necessary action. This can help create a safer and more productive work environment for employees.

Specific Examples Make It Easier To Identify Harassment

Employees must be aware of what constitutes unacceptable workplace behavior—especially when preventing illegal behavior like sexual or racial harassment. Through examples, employees can identify the range of behaviors that may constitute harassment: from speech and jokes to physical contact or gestures.

It’s not enough for employers to provide a rundown of different types of misconduct or define harassment in general terms. By providing concrete illustrations—using real-life scenarios from the office and other workplaces—employers can better highlight the behaviors and language that constitute harassment, allowing employees to draw a clear line between inappropriate and acceptable behavior.

For example, employers may use role-play scenarios in their training modules to show how an employee can respond when faced with unwanted advances from a supervisor. This activity allows employees to practice what they’ve learned and get comfortable with the appropriate responses they should give. As a result, employees can identify harassment in real-life situations and take action if necessary.

Specific examples also help employers emphasize why it’s essential to address harassment when it occurs—regardless of whether or not it is illegal. By analyzing different scenarios and discussing the consequences of failing to act, employers can explain why it’s vital for employees to speak up when they witness or experience harassment.

It Helps Create a Safe, Respectful Work Environment

Harassment training is one of employers' most important tools to create a safe and respectful workplace. When examples are included in harassment training, it gives employees an even more precise understanding of what constitutes inappropriate behavior. It helps them understand how to react if they witness or experience harassment.

Examples also allow employers to emphasize the importance of creating a respectful work environment. This can be done by addressing each example and explaining why it is inappropriate and how it could negatively impact their workplace.

Examples also help bring more depth and conversation to harassment training, encouraging employees to think more critically about their roles in creating a safe and respectful work environment. This can start with employees understanding their behavior, but it should also involve discussing how their colleagues’ actions may contribute to an unsafe work environment.

Harassment training must also include information on how to report any harassment they may experience or observe formally. When examples are used in this part of the training, it gives employees a clear understanding of the actions they should take if they experience any inappropriate behavior.

Benefits of Providing Examples In Harassment Training

Make Employees Feel Safer

Providing examples in harassment training helps employees feel safer and more secure. With a clear understanding of what constitutes inappropriate behavior, employees can be better equipped to identify harassment when it occurs. Additionally, an example-based approach gives employees the confidence to speak up and address issues without fear of repercussions. By providing real-world scenarios and concrete guidelines on how to react, employees can be better prepared to handle any situation.

In addition to instilling a sense of safety and security, examples in harassment training also provide context for understanding the severity of certain behaviors. Seeing an example can help employees understand why a particular action might constitute harassment, even if the perpetrator did not intend it. Examples can also demonstrate the range of behaviors that are considered inappropriate, which can help employees recognize harassment in many different forms.

Finally, examples in harassment training can be used to illustrate best practices for avoiding and addressing incidents of harassment. For instance, examples may guide responding if an employee believes they have been a victim of harassment and how to report suspected harassment to the appropriate authorities. By giving employees tools and strategies for dealing with harassment, employers can make it easier for individuals to take action and stand up for themselves when necessary.

Inform Workers About Helpful Resources

Providing examples in harassment training is an invaluable tool in the fight against workplace harassment. By incorporating examples of what constitutes a hostile work environment, employers can more effectively inform their staff about helpful resources available to them if they ever experience such behavior. Examples can also help workers recognize when something crosses the line, from inappropriate banter to offensive or harassing behavior and when to take action.

By providing examples of workplace harassment, employers can help their employees understand the range of behaviors that constitute a hostile work environment, including physical actions such as touching or cornering someone, derogatory language, and name-calling, as well as nonverbal behaviors like leering or staring. Equipping staff with this knowledge helps them recognize when something crosses the line, from inappropriate banter to unacceptable harassment.

When workers have a better understanding of workplace harassment, they are better equipped to handle it if they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Without examples, employees may not know how to respond if they experience unwelcome advances or behavior and lack the resources to protect themselves. By providing examples of what constitutes a hostile work environment, employers can ensure that their staff knows when to take action to protect themselves and escalate the matter appropriately.

Employers can also use examples in harassment training to raise awareness about available resources. By providing workers with examples of how they can get help, such as via hotlines or other reporting mechanisms, employers show that they take workplace harassment seriously and are committed to providing a safe work environment.

It Helps With Keeping the Law

As an employer, adhering to the laws is essential. Providing examples can be a helpful tool for ensuring that employers and employees alike understand the law and their rights. By illustrating real-world scenarios, employers can demonstrate to employees what constitutes inappropriate behavior or prohibited activities, allowing them to take proactive steps toward preventing it from occurring in the first place. In addition, offering examples of what is acceptable in the workplace will help employees recognize their rights and be better equipped to handle any issues that might arise.

Also, providing examples of conduct can ensure that employers are aware of their legal obligations. By going through different scenarios, they can learn what behavior should be prohibited and better understand when it is appropriate to take action. Doing so will help employers better safeguard themselves from potential legal issues and provide employees with a safe and secure workplace.

Finally, offering examples of harassment in training can also be beneficial when it comes to upholding the law. Employers who provide their employees with formal training on what qualifies as inappropriate behavior are more likely to have policies and practices that comply with the law. Using examples increases employers' chances of avoiding legal ramifications for not abiding by state and federal regulations and protecting employees from workplace harassment.

Fewer Employee Turnover

An increase in employee retention is a crucial benefit of providing examples in harassment training. Examples provide employees with the tools needed to identify harassing behavior and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and productive.

When employees are trained on what constitutes harassment, it helps them recognize inappropriate behavior within their workplace and take appropriate action when necessary. Even more, it also encourages them to speak up about concerns and helps create a respectful work environment. Furthermore, it gives employees the confidence to confront problem behavior without fear of repercussions or retaliation.

Also, when employees are provided with clear-cut examples of what constitutes harassment, it helps to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications that could lead to litigation or costly settlements. This saves the company money and prevents a decrease in productivity and employee morale due to unnecessary workplace disputes.

Promotes Gender-inclusive Workplaces

Providing examples in harassment training can be a powerful and effective way of creating gender-inclusive workplaces. It also helps to clarify disparate actions, behaviors, and words that constitute harassment and the damaging impact they have on people. This provides trainees with concrete knowledge about what constitutes unacceptable behavior and how it affects others, which makes it easier for them to recognize and address gender-based harassment. By providing examples, employers can ensure that their employees are aware of the different types of harassment and clearly understand why it is unacceptable in the workplace.

Moreover, providing examples helps to create an environment where gender-inclusive behavior is expected and accepted. When employers highlight specific instances of harassment in their training, they demonstrate that there is no place for it in their organization. This sends a powerful message to employees that gender-based harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. Through this training, employers can help create an environment of respect and equality where all employees feel safe and secure regardless of gender identity or expression.

Finally, providing examples in harassment training can help to promote gender-inclusive language and behaviors in the workplace. By highlighting instances of words or phrases that could be considered disrespectful or offensive, employers can ensure that their employees know the importance of using respectful language when interacting with their colleagues, clients, and customers. This helps create an environment where everyone is treated with respect and kindness, regardless of gender identity or expression.

Challenges When Collecting Examples of Unwanted Sexual Advances

One of the employers' most significant challenges when collecting examples or stories of sexual harassment is getting employees to speak up and report any incidents they may have experienced. Many people are afraid to come forward with their story due to fear of retribution from their employer, lack of understanding about what constitutes sexual harassment, or the belief that their complaints won’t be taken seriously. Without concrete examples of sexual harassment to use as a reference point for policy changes, it can be difficult for employers to assess and understand the extent of the problem in their organization.

In addition to this challenge, it is easy for employers to become complacent when providing education and resources to employees about sexual harassment. The lack of urgency can lead to a culture of indifference or an “it’s not my problem” attitude. Thus, making it even more difficult for victims to come forward with their stories. Employers can also quickly become overwhelmed with establishing and enforcing policies that protect against sexual harassment. Without the necessary resources and training, employers may be unsure how to properly respond to a complaint or investigate an incident.

The final challenge is in terms of reporting systems. Many organizations rely on outdated manual processes when recording complaints and incidents of sexual harassment, which can lead to inaccuracies and delays in investigations. Furthermore, many organizations lack a clear and consistent system for following up on complaints. These broken reporting systems can make it difficult for employers to take appropriate action when addressing sexual harassment.

To effectively reduce incidents of sexual harassment, employers need to be aware of the challenges they may face in collecting examples or stories of sexual harassment. By staying informed on the risks associated with Retaliation, Indifference, Incompetence, and Broken Reporting Systems, employers can better equip themselves to respond appropriately when providing a safe and respectful work environment for all employees.

Providing education and resources about sexual harassment is vital in creating an environment where victims feel comfortable coming forward with their stories. Finally, it is crucial to implement a system for tracking and following up on complaints to address any issues that arise effectively. By taking the necessary steps to prevent sexual harassment, employers can create a workplace where all employees feel safe, respected, and valued.

By understanding the risks associated with the risk factors, employers can take the necessary steps to ensure a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. By providing education and resources about sexual harassment, employers can create an environment where victims feel comfortable coming forward with their stories. Furthermore, implementing a system for tracking and following up on complaints is essential to ensure that instances of sexual harassment are addressed properly.


Unfortunately, many people do not know how to act appropriately in the workplace. However, there is hope! Recent studies have shown that training to avoid offensive workplace behavior can effectively reduce such behavior.

This is great news for companies and employees alike, as a more positive work environment usually leads to increased productivity. Reducing offensive workplace behavior benefits everyone involved, especially those who belong to the minority.

The positive effects of such sensitivity training have been well documented, and there is no reason not to undergo such training if it can prevent costly litigation down the road. By arming yourself with knowledge, you can create a safe and welcoming environment for all employees.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in learning more about this type of training or signing up to get started. Reducing offensive workplace behavior benefits everyone involved, so don't wait any longer - sign up today!

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